canonical networking library
翻译 - 规范的 websocket库
Asynchronous parallel SSH client library.
Fine-grained concurrency for Ruby
Nebula is a powerful framwork for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for C++.
A Lightweight and fully asynchronous WebSocket client library based on libev
QtNetwork Next Generation. A coroutine based network framework for Qt/C++, with more simpler API than boost::asio.
🐛Lua-eco is a Lua interpreter with a built-in event loop for scheduling lightweight coroutines automatically, enabling efficient concurrency in Lua. Build high-performance, scalable applications.
Simple C++ wrapper for DisplayLink evdi. Add and manage virtual displays in Linux! Get dummy monitors without attaching physical dongles!
✨Linux 网络编程与加密| 包含 C 语言编程中易出现的陷阱 较难理解的知识点 重点内容将包含实战的网络编程内容 以及创建安全通信的加密内容 | 提供在线网页文档 ✨
Tiny epoll-based event loop library for event-driven Linux applications
An event-driven c library open source by taobao originally and maintain here
libev - A full-featured and high-performance event loop library