#大语言模型#KubeSphere 是在 Kubernetes 之上构建的以应用为中心的容器平台,提供全栈的 IT 自动化运维的能力,简化企业的 DevOps 工作流。KubeSphere 提供了运维友好的向导式操作界面,帮助企业快速构建一个强大和功能丰富的容器云平台
Operate Fluent Bit and Fluentd in the Kubernetes way - Previously known as FluentBit Operator
KubeSphere Console is the web-based UI for KubeSphere clusters.
Open Source,High Availability Cluster,based on MySQL
Vagrant一键安装Kubernetes集群。安装 Metrics Server 、Kuboard 、Kubernetes Dashboard、KubePi、Kubernetes集群监控prometheus-operator
This is a cloud-native application that focuses on the DevOps area.
Source & Repo of https://charts.kubesphere.io/main & https://charts.kubesphere.io/test
KubeSphere website and documentation
KubeSphere is an open source container application platform by QingCloud based on Kubernetes.
ks is a tool that makes it be easy to work with KubeSphere.
KubeSphere DevOps Helm chart
該項目是以分布式架構的電商平台,使用SpringBoot+SpringCloud並配套SpringCloud Alibaba系列,基於Docker環境,引入微服務治理方案:Nacos註冊中心/配置中心、Sentinel流量保護系統、Seata分佈式事務&RabbitMQ柔性事務方案、SpringCloud-Gateway網關、Feign遠程調用、Sleuth+Zipkin鏈路追踪系統、Spring...
A collection of useful Pipeline Templates
ACL, RBAC, ABAC authorization middleware for KubeSphere