An open-source PAM tool alternative to CyberArk. 广受欢迎的开源堡垒机。
The easiest, and most secure way to access and protect all of your infrastructure.
翻译 - 对基础架构和应用程序的零信任访问
ssh rdp vnc telnet sftp bastion/jump web putty xshell terminal jumpserver audit realtime monitor rz/sz 堡垒机 云桌面 linux devops sftp websocket file management rz/sz otp 自动化运维 审计 录像 文件管理 sftp上传 实时监控 录像回放 ...
一站式自动化运维及自动化部署平台, 使用多环境的概念, 提供了机器管理、机器监控报警、Web终端、WebSftp、机器批量执行、机器批量上传、在线查看日志、定时调度任务、应用环境维护、应用构建及发布任务、操作流水线等功能, 帮助企业实现一站式轻量化运维治理, 致力于企业级应用的智能运维。
🚪A super lightweight jumpserver service developed using the Go language. 一个使用 Go 语言开发的,超级轻量的跳板机服务。
2025 Gucamole installer with options for HTTPS reverse proxy, Active Directory integration, MFA, LetsEncrypt, dark theme, MySQL backup, email alerts & more.
A lobby boy will create a VPS server when you need one, and destroy it after using it.
JumpServer 堡垒机未授权综合漏洞利用, Exploit for CVE-2023-42442 / CVE-2023-42820 / RCE 2021
Terraform module to define a generic Bastion host with parameterized user_data and support for AWS SSM Session Manager for remote access with IAM authentication.
Python module to run commands on remote servers through one or more jump servers.
🐳 Dockerized SSH bastion to proxy SSH connections to arbitrary containers.
gateone implemented by django web terminal ssh