Open source Python library for programming and debugging Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers
Create a custom runtime image of your modular application
Examples and exercises based on some of the features of jigsaw in JDK9/Jigsaw (Early Access builds)
Create a custom runtime image of your non-modular application
VisualCode projects for PJRC Teensy boards
阿里云盘-SDK-Jlink-最好用的第三方集成API !The sdk-jar package of Alibaba Cloud Disk Storage is an sdk developed specifically for third-party storage services based on Alibaba Cloud, which is developed in Java.
20 pin SWD/JTAG J-Link to 10 pin (0.1" and 0.05") reconfigurable Cortex-M header with power supply and TagConnect compatibility. (Info about about J-Link Commander and Segger RTT is also given.)
Plays relaxing music in the background
Maven plugin provides a way to load JDK and use its tools during project build
This Maven Plugin does two things. First, it automatically transforms your Maven dependency graph into Java modules. Second, it bridges Maven and built-in Java tools like jdeps, jlink, and jpackage.