Community effort to maintain and improve Jedi Academy (SP & MP) + Jedi Outcast (SP only) released by Raven Software
翻译 - Raven Software维护和改进Jedi Academy(SP&MP)+ Jedi Outcast(仅SP)的社区努力
JK2MV - improved, modernized JK2 client and server
Game modification for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Multiplayer with useful stuff and custom features
#安卓#JKChat is a mobile application for chatting in and remote controlling Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Quake III Arena games
Full Source Code of Jedi Knight II ready to use (1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 versions)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Dedicated Server in Docker. Built using JK2MV.
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - Singleplayer maps modification for multiplayer
Star Wars: Jedi Academy server tracker API
Autosplitter code for fan made mod for Jedi Outcast, called Lady Jedi
Anti-cheat for Quake3 based games made in Frida