🔥A powerful and useful lib for Android.
翻译 - for适用于Android的功能强大且有用的库。
R package cross-validation, bootstrap, permutation, and rolling window resampling techniques for the tidyverse.
**curve_fit_utils** is a Python module containing useful tools for curve fitting
#时序数据库#Elastic-net VARMA: hyperparameter optimisation, estimation and forecasting
JackKnife is a Network Defense Tool Repository for Powershell. It is made up multiple powershell scripts I've made or borrowed to make work easier
Generate error bars and perform binning analysis using jackknife or bootstrap resampling. Calculate average and error in quantum Monte Carlo data (or other data) and on functions of averages (such as ...
Jackknife resampling, parameter estimation and stability test.
#数据仓库#DNN codes of ProteenPhage Paper
Jackknife and Bootstrap resampling and estimation in R
Jackknife instrumental variables estimation (JAE, 2010)
This code implements the Jackknife resampling algorithm.
Analysis of Predictive inference with jackknife+, a new method for creating prediction intervals with stronger coverage guarantees
Tools for julia programming of statistical analysis
Lattice QCD analysis code for data generated by GLAC