Cross platform UI controls for progressive web and hybrid apps (plain JS, jQuery, Angular and React)
翻译 - 跨平台UI控件,用于渐进式Web和混合应用程序(纯JS,jQuery,Angular和React)
#Awesome#Should help you to get awesome components and plugins for Ionic2
#安卓#🐣 🎬 📱 Apache Cordova plugin to show Lottie animations as the splash screen with Airbnb's Lottie wrapper
Ionic example app of how to add Facebook Native authentication into an Ionic Framework v1 app. Add facebook login to your ionic app!
#安卓#Cordova Plugin for showing a native date, time or datetime picker.
Cordova Plugin to preview any file in native mode by providing the local or external URL
Over 900 Material lcons for Ionic 2+ Apps
Ionic Plugin for Uploading Images to Amazon S3
AngularJS module for using the Wikitude cordova plugin in an Ionic project.
Kommunicate plugin for Ionic/Phonegap/Cordova
!!DEPRECATED!! Cordova plugin for fixing auto focus issue of html elements on WKWebView
Free sample of Premium Ionic Login Component
#安卓#Need HockeyApp in your Ionic application, add this package!
Android only Cordova plugin to access the call history on a device. Results can be filtered through several parameters.
#安卓#🌚/🌞 Apache Cordova plugin to enable proper dark mode support for Android WebView's
Configure Ionic (Cordova) config.xml files for individual environments using Mustache templating
融云即时通讯 cordova-RongCloud的 ionic2 @ionic-native 封装📦(融云 RongCloud 是国内首家专业的即时通讯云服务提供商,专注为互联网、移动互联网开发者提供即时通讯基础能力和云端服务。通过融云平台,开发者不必搭建服务端硬件环境,就可以将即时通讯、实时网络能力快速集成至应用中。)