Arb has been merged into FLINT -- use instead
Large collection of number systems providing custom arithmetic for mixed-precision algorithm development and optimization for AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, CAE, EDA, contro...
翻译 - 通用数算法
AutoBound automatically computes upper and lower bounds on functions.
Library for validated numerics using interval arithmetic
Computing reachable states of dynamical systems in Julia
Library for finding the roots of a function using interval arithmetic
A faithful graphing calculator
An implementation of an algebraically closed interval system of the extended real number set
Rigorous global optimisation in pure Julia
Linear algebra done rigorously
A Rust implementation of interval arithmetic (IEEE 1788)
C++ framework for rigorous computation on cyber-physical systems
Pandas Interval Set Operations: providing methods for set operations, analytics, lookups and joins on pandas' Interval, IntervalArray and IntervalIndex
Reference implementation for "Temporal Set Inversion for Animated Implicits" (SIGGRAPH 2023)
Boundary analysis based Reachability analysis Toolbox for dynamic systems in Python