Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers
JavaScript shims and shams for making IE8-9 behave reasonably
server-side rendering(SSR) scheme based on Next.js+Koa React, continuous iteration
A lightweight modal for asking website visitors to stop using outdated IE browsers.
webpack 1,3,4 ie8 react vue 自建主流框架搭建汇总(配置自己来)
Simple to use modal / alert / dialog / popup. Created with pure JS. No javascript knowledge required! Works on every browser and device! IE9
最新react/antd/redux/router支持到ie9; demo查看 (慢) 或 (快); 兼容ie8查看; 本项目已更新和迁移到 h...
Provide __proto__ with some limitations
Does this JS environment support the `name` property on functions?
A JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser.
AngularJS directive for detecting SVG support and providing a PNG fallback for unsupported browsers.
requestAnimationFrame based `thenable` for animations and task management
Render a customized lead form at the client-side. IE9+
Lightweight Array.prototype.findIndex Polyfill. ES5. IE9+