#自动化#你的代理人,随时待命。Huginn 是一个用于构建自动化任务的web平台。
Configure the ultimate home server with k3s and helm
Programming language with no quirks, so simple every child can master it.
My docker-compose based self-hosted setup including media centre, dns, home automation, and more
Yet another abstraction layer - a general purpose C++ library.
Huginn Agent that monitors public Instagram accounts
Create agents in PHP that monitor and act on your behalf. A Laravel based Huginn port.
Compiled huginn docker run command converted into docker-compose.yml file. Includes images for both ARM/aarch64 and x86 Linux/AMD infrastructure. Compose file also includes separate container for MySQ...
Docker + Huginn + persistent mysql + Nginx Proxy + Letsencrypt
A set of Huginn agents for interacting with the unofficial Venmo API
Huginn agent for publishing message via the Mastodon API