Super simple http client dsl on top of the typhoeus gem.
A Discord bot that tells jokes, provides Apex Legends player stats, Today In History facts, and jokes to your inbox whenever mentioned.
Aggregate RSS feeds into a light page
This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the (v2) API. The Brickset API responds with XML. This gem maps that into Ruby objects using Happymapper.
An extension for the HTTParty gem ( Adds ability to retry on failures and connection errors)
I built a web scraper to text me when my MA course was listed on the university website
modelo de como faço (hoje) meus testes de contrato
TV show discovery web app built with Ruby on Rails and the Movie Database API
Check solar panel power generation by hour, week and month.
TV show discovery web app built with Ruby on Rails and the Movie Database API
Automação API Rest com HTTparty
Simple program to poll Nextcloud notifications and send them to Android using Termux API
modelo de como faço (hoje) meus testes de contrato