A non-scraping, functional node.js interface to imdb (mirror of gitlab.com/worr/node-imdb-api)
翻译 - imdb的非刮擦,功能性node.js接口
Populates a high quality database of movies from TMDB, IMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes.
#安卓#Android app to show movie ratings when browsing Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and other supported video streaming apps on the phone
Userscripts to improve and add features to Trakt.tv
Python script to help you decide what movie to watch.
Movie and TV Database API, Scrapes data from theMovieDB, theTvDB, OMDB (omdbapi.com)
Stream your Real Debrid files in Stremio. Disclaimer: This addon is not official and is not affiliated with the Real Debrid website.
Search through TMDB (themoviedb.org) for movies, TV shows and people.
Media scoring CLI tool that queries OMDb, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Mediacritic for media ranking