🔥 Virtual room in your browser that lets you play with the Lo-Fi VIBE and relax
翻译 - browser浏览器中的虚拟房间,可让您玩Lo-Fi VIBE并放松身心
Find Spotify tracks posted to the HipHopHeads subreddit and add them to a Spotify playlist.
🎵 Your favorite LoFi Music Player🎧
A sample retrieval engine, powered by whosampled.
A repo that shows how you can use youtube-dl to download my music for free!
Collaborative distance between rappers ⛓
A web application for hip-hop enthusiasts to annotate rhymes of tracks together and help each other better understand the rhyme techniques of rappers
Quotes From Your Favorite Rapper, Writers, or Developers to Your Command Line
This is the repository for grindmodecypher.com. A website I have built, and maintain for the music group I am in called Grind Mode Cypher.
Get some rap phrases from ya search terms.
The source code for the bbjme website