pyIslam, a Python library to calculate prayer times, hijri date, qiblah direction and more
Laravel package to Convert laravel date to our Amazing 💝 Hjri date {ummul qura and vice versa} . to look like [ الخميس ، ٢٢ ربيع الآخر ، ١٤٤١ - ٠٧:٤٩ مساءً]
حزمة خفيفة الوزن تسهل التعامل مع المفاهيم العربية في لارافيل، بإستخدام مجموعة من الفئات، الأساليب والتوابع لجعل لارافل يتحدث العربي! مفاهيم من مثل السلاسل النصية العربي والتواريخ الهجرية وغيرها
翻译 - “ Laravel讲阿拉伯语”是一种轻量级的开源laravel软件包。它使用一组Classess和方法使Laravel讲阿拉伯语,从而有助于在Laravel Framework中处理阿拉伯语概念! ,回历日期和阿拉伯字符串等概念
#IOS#It can show Georgian and Islamic dates in calendar. Multiple selection of dates is suported.
Robust and tested code angular hijri/gregorian calendar/datepicker component for Angular 10 - 16, 17+ projects. Ionic 3 - 4, 5, 6 + is supported, can be used in iOS and Android. Star it to inspire us ...
تبدیل تاریخ وردپرس به هجری شمسی براساس تقویم ایران و فارسی سازی رابط کاربری وردپرس
Laravel helper package for Hijri dates.
Taqwim is a set of modules to handle Hijri dates based on date-fns
JavaScript library to calculates Hijri dates in the same way as built-in Date object calculates Gregorian dates.
Converter:Gregorian to Hijri Date and vice versa
#安卓#Minimal Android widget for displaying Hijri date
Hijri Date Time - PHP Library for using Hijri date time
Javascript library to represent and work with dates in different calendar systems (e.g. hijri, persian and others).
A website provides You with Hijri Date and Prayer Times depending on your time zone.
A package to convert Gregorian dates to Hijri dates.
How to use Hijri date range picker (SfHijriDateRangePicker) in Flutter
Hijri Date Time - Yii2 Extension for using Hijri date time PHP Library
A Flutter package for calculating Hijri date especially for Malabar of Kerala