📦 快速转化「中文数字」和「阿拉伯数字」~ (最新特性:分数,日期、温度等转化)
Set of functionalities enable Arabic website developers to serve professional search, present and process Arabic content in PHP
#Awesome#تجميعة من المشاريع، وخصوصا مفتوحة المصدر
حزمة خفيفة الوزن تسهل التعامل مع المفاهيم العربية في لارافيل، بإستخدام مجموعة من الفئات، الأساليب والتوابع لجعل لارافل يتحدث العربي! مفاهيم من مثل السلاسل النصية العربي والتواريخ الهجرية وغيرها
翻译 - “ Laravel讲阿拉伯语”是一种轻量级的开源laravel软件包。它使用一组Classess和方法使Laravel讲阿拉伯语,从而有助于在Laravel Framework中处理阿拉伯语概念! ,回历日期和阿拉伯字符串等概念
كود بسيط يقوم بتحويل الأرقام إلى حروف عربية، أو ما تسمى بعملية التفقيط
A simple and effective Number to Arabic Words converter converting numbers to the equivalent Arabic text in accordance with Arabic grammar rules
This repository contains my attempt to use two famous speech recognition frameworks (Kaldi, CMU Sphinx4) for Arabic Language using the publicly-available dataset "Arabic Corpus of Isolated Words"
Roman to Arabic number conversion web app
farsi request replaces arabic characters like ي ك ة ٤ ٥ ٦ with farsi characters in all your requests parameters automatically.
A Laraval Package to convert Arabic numerals from any user input to a numeric value.
Library for work with Roman numbers.
#安卓#Kidzenia is an android native java app, Kdzenia is an easily animated app for Kids learning (English Alphabet, Numbers, Arabic Alphabet and Numbers), adding some educational videos and localization tr...
Nimra is a typeface with MICR Eastern Arabic numerals in the style of E13B
مكتبة لتحويل الارقام الى كتابة باللغة العربية
NPM package that converts Arabic and Persian numbers to English equivalent to avoid data inconsistency.
Convert Chinese Numbers to their Arabic Numbers counterpart.
Arabic math solver (server) is a flask web server that recognizes an image of a mathematical expression in Arabic notation and applies an operation on it like integration, differentiation, etc.
Kotlin extensions to convert/generate English, Persian, and Arabic digits with ease.