HyperApp user's manual
翻译 - HyperApp用户手册
Get the metadata from a Google Cloud Platform environment.
Terraform Google cloud platform examples
#安全#This is a copy protected video streaming app. This app encrypts the video such that nobody will be able to copy the content and will be able to view it offline. Link of the video is not accessible by ...
#安卓#🃏 Android app with multiple flavours which fetches jokes from a library hosted on Google App Engine
createing a bare-bones POC-like solution for DDoS Testing
Backend of Server Monitoring Project
created an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints.An Android app fetches jokes from the GCE module and passes them to the Android Library for display .
This Repo contains terraform and ansible scripts to install a Gitea-Instance on Google Cloud Compute Engine.
Fashion trend analysis server analyzes social media photos with object detection AI
Android application , part of the Udacity Android Nanodegree.
Jupyter Hub Data Science Notebooks on multi cloud solution
Google Compute Engine Resource Usage Grapher (GCERUG)
Website for McHacks Pothole Finder app
台灣選舉資料 (目前是2018議員)