#安卓#Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network
翻译 - Berty是一款安全的点对点消息传递应用程序,无论是否连接互联网,蜂窝数据或对网络的信任都可以使用
Logger lets you quickly send messages to yourself as a means of fast note taking.
#安卓#Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls.
#IOS#Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls.
#区块链#A client SDK in Go to interface the blockchain and storage platform, and other smart contracts
Moved to https://github.com/refraction-networking/gotapdance
#安卓#Verifiable Credential Wallet SDK and Demo/Reference Wallet App (Go / GoMobile | Android | iOS)
gomobile + Swift Package Manager
#区块链#Mobile client application for the IoT enabled blockchain supply chain controlled by sensor requirements system
#安卓#Build native mobile apps faster: Write logic in GO. Views in ReactNative.