Golang Skeleton With Fully Managed Versions For Kick Start GoLang Project Development
翻译 - 具有完全托管版本的骨骼,可用于启动GoLang项目开发
Golang REST API using MUX, GORM, and JWT for authentication
This is a toolKit/template project for web application/server with Gin, packed common services.
#安全#The easiest JWT library to GO
Go-Vue-Admin 是一套权限管理系统,用于go语言学习,简单的工厂模式开发,后端(go)--前端(vue)--服务器(linux),后期准备用这个重构之前的node.js技术博客; 所用技术栈 golang、 gin、go-jwt、validator、go-casbin、mysql、redis、gorm、vue、axios、vue-router、vuex、element ui scss; ...
A golang and graphql/restapi boilerplate build for fast and quick build.
Codebase for golang use clean architecture
Authentication and authorization server with Golang.
Golang Skeleton With Fully Managed Versions For Kick Start GoLang Project Development
Contains code related to the article 'JWT with Go'.
MyGram API is an API that enable the user to store photos and commenting on other people photos.This API is created using Go Language and PostgreSQL