Library of graph clustering algorithms
翻译 - 用于检测和可视化图形中的社区结构的库
Predicting new link, detecting communities on Amazon Product Co-Purchasing Network. Recommending books based on the underlying network related information. Demo Video Link -
A detailed analysis of an email network between 143 employees of Enron company
USC DSCI 553 - Foundations & Applications of Data Mining - Spring 2024 - Prof. Wei-Min Shen
We have compared the different community detection algorithms for multiple real-world social networks with some standard datasets.
Python implementations of Community Detection Algorithms, including Cliques, k-cores, SNN, IHCS, LCMA, Girvan-Newman.
Implementation of Girvan-Newman Algorithm using Brandes Algorithm for Community/cluster finding
This project implements a community detection algorithm using divisive hierarchical clustering (Girvan-Newman algorithm).
Deteksi Komunitas menggunakan Algoritma Girvan-Newman
Notebook of the course "Algorithms and Complexity"
EECE 5645 Project: Performing community detection on Reddit Hyperlink network dataset and leverage the power of Spark and GraphFrames
This project implements the Girvan-Newman and Louvain algorithms from scratch for community detection in graphs, using datasets like Wiki-Vote and LastFM-Social. It includes automated stopping criteri...