Library of graph clustering algorithms
翻译 - 用于检测和可视化图形中的社区结构的库
An experimental framework for building computational models and tracing their multithreaded evolution as 2D/3D graphs.
#算法刷题#Bron–Kerbosch algorithm implementation for finding maximal cliques in an undirected graph with OpenGL visualization
Bipartite Graph QM
#算法刷题#A faster algorithm for finding maximal cliques.
CHoleR: a C++ Tool for the Analysis of Persistent Homology on Undirected Weighted Graphs [C++, CLI/CLR, JNI, WPF, C#]
Find maximal clique of each input graph, plus a maximal common induced subgraph of all input graphs.
Calculates maximals and maximum cliques of a graph.
Implementation of Bron-Kerbosch algorithm to find maximal cliques in an undirected graph of a particular case at the Graph Theory and Application course @ University of Brasilia
Disciplina: Teoria e Aplicação de Grafos Aluno: Felipe Nascimento Rocha Matrícula: 170050084 Professor: Díbio Borges
Repositório de armazenamento de projetos da disciplina Teoria e Aplicação de Grafos realizada no semestre de 2022.2
Projeto 1 de Teoria e Aplicação de Grafos (TAG), disciplina ofertada na Universidade de Brasília (UnB) no semestre 2021.1.
Graph algorithms studied in the Graph Theory and Application class at Universidade de Brasília (UnB) in the first semester of 2021.