laravel package helps you to implement geographical calculation, with several algorithms that help you deal with coordinates and distances.
翻译 - laravel 包帮助你实现地理计算,有几种算法可以帮助你处理坐标和距离。
#安卓#An offline geocode library for android, powered by SQLite, using osm data. 离线地理编码Android库,基于SQLite,使用开放街道地图数据。
Geocoder library based on libpostal normalization of libosmscout generated database
#安卓#Android sdk for pelias
PlaceKit Autocomplete JS library
PlaceKit Autocomplete React library
#安卓#What country is at a particular latitude/longitude? This tiny Java library (less than 100kB) tells you in 50 milliseconds, without using the Internet.
Minimal Single Service Interface of Pelias Geocoder in Nodejs
Geocodes and maps the current locations for Recurse Center community members
Python client library for LocationIQ Gecoding Services
Exploring the flow of capital from MSA to MSA via investments by exploiting data obtained from Crunchbase API
This is A Simple Store (actually any place) Locator using the Geocoder package and MapQuest API with NodeJS.
Shared TypeScript definitions for Jawg Maps projects
#安卓#What country is at a particular latitude/longitude? This tiny Android library (less than 100kB) tells you in 50 milliseconds, without using the Internet and without requiring any permission.
Exploring the MSAs through the lens of social events by exploiting data obtained from Meetup API
Golang HTTP client library to convert British National Grid (BNG) aka National Grid Reference (NGR) to latitude and longitude (lat/long WGS84) or vice versa.
Sara :- The Personal Voice Assistant
Aplicación que muestra talleres de bicicleta cercanos a la ubicación actual, información detallada del taller y posibilidad de evaluaciones por parte de usuarios al taller. Utilizando Django, API Goog...