Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
Firehose is an extensible, no-code, and cloud-native service to load real-time streaming data from Kafka to data stores, data lakes, and analytical storage systems.
翻译 - Firehose 是一种可扩展的、无代码的云原生服务,用于将来自 Kafka 的实时流数据加载到数据存储、数据湖和分析存储系统。
A cross-platform tool for data pipelines.
Type definitions for AWS Lambda event sources.
Bluesky firehose viewed in a Matrix-style digital rain
Script to generate a Cost Report in XLSX format, with different sheets indicating different actionable reports
Cloud Foundry Firehose Prometheus exporter
A wrapper around AWS Kinesis Firehose with retry logic and custom queuing behavior. Requires node >= 6.0.0
Watch every Mastodon/Fediverse post in real-time - filter the firehose
🐘🌊 Centralized public streaming API for the Mastodon network.
Fluentd docker image with plugins to ship logs to AWS firehose
#网络爬虫#A Python library/CLI for collecting and archiving posts from the Bluesky social network using the Jetstream API.
A Siem environment using Guard Duty + Kibana + S3 + ES + Cognito + Kinesis
Firehose - Spark streaming 2.2 + Kafka 0.8_2