fastlane plugin for Firebase App Distribution.
翻译 - 用于Firebase应用程序分发的fastlane插件。
#安卓#Gradle plugin to deploy Android Snapshot Versions
#安卓#📱A sample repository to demonstrate the Automate publishing🚀 app to the Google Play Store with GitHub Actions⚡+ Fastlane🏃.
#安卓#A repository that shows how to use Firebase App Distribution to distribute android app to testers by fastlane.
#安卓#Indepth Overview of DevOps with Flutter - MIRROR VERSION of
Firebase App Distribution Github Action
Action to upload app artifacts (.apk or .ipa) to Firebase App Distribution.
#安卓#Sample of using Firebase Test Lab, Firebase App Distribution, Danger, and Slack on GitHub Actions for Android apps
🚀 A sample project using Firebase app distribution plugin
#安卓#Android book reader app bulit using Jetpack compose and Jetpack components
See blogpost for more details
#安卓#Android Builder Image
#安卓#Android client app that integrates with pusher beams to show realtime push notifications.
#安卓#Showcase Android app that employs modern best practices and technologies
#安卓#Demo App for uploading an android apk to google drive with fastlane article
Example for Firebase App Distribution using Android Gradle plugin
#安卓#An android application to fetch bitcoin-related news.
#安卓#An example of a CI flow for the android apps. Run UI tests, Lint, publish on Firebase App Distribution