Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
A powerful duplicate file finder and an enhanced fork of 'fdupes'.
翻译 - 功能强大的重复文件查找器和增强的'fdupes'分支。
A script to analyze output of fdupes linux utility to find level of overlap between directories. Written in R
🗃️🐊 fdupes-xenon is crposs-platform Rust version of fdupes utility with many cool features! (just for practice in Rust)
Ansible role to install fdupes, a utility to find duplicate files
Find and obliterate duplicate files, but only the ones you don't care about.
deduplicates files in directory hierarchy with hardlinks
Search for file duplicates using FDupes tool wrapped in a Docker container
Python GUI, scans a directory for GPS location metadata in files, visualize each result from list, showing generated map next to original photo
An application with UI for searching same files in selected directories and their subdirectories
This repository proposes clean, fast and shell based scripts for identifying finding duplicate files in a folder.