Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
A FastAPI based low code starter/boilerplate: SQLAlchemy 2.0 (async), Postgres, React-Admin, pytest and cypress
В этом репозитории находится полезная информация, собранная участниками русского сообщества FastAPI.
This example shows how to use FastApi on Vercel with Serverless Functions using the Python Runtime
A minimal FARM stack boilerplate / template project to get you started with a Python FastAPI backend, React frontend, MongoDB, and JWT user authentication (via FastAPIUsers).
🚀 async web server using FastAPI for to-do list apps
FastAPI Users - Database adapter for SQLAlchemy
FastServer is simple API based server created in FastApi with Clients in various languages.
This is a simple REST API built with Python and FastAPI and SQLAlchemy for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on users. FastAPI is a powerful web framework for building APIs.
Minimal boilerplate of FastAPI backend, React frontend and SQLAlchemy setup organized within docker-compose for convenient local development and deployment.
Oнлайн-магазин бытовой техники. Реализован с помощью FastAPI. Используется асинхронный подход к запросам к базе данных.
FastAPI backend enterprise template
This is a simple example of how to use Python FastAPI to create a simple authentication system based on phone number with SMS verification. We used SQLite as a database. (Login, Register, Auth, Panel,...
FastAPI Template
FastAPI Users - Database adapter for Tortoise ORM
Keeping It Simple is Hard
A Fastapi boilerplate setup for postgresql, alembic and docker with user authentication