Circuit Breaker Pattern for PHP
翻译 - PHP的断路器模式
A Cypress plugin to skip tests on first failure.
MIRROR of : A semi-concatenative language where every operation can fail
PSR-18 compliant Circuit Breaker wrapper
🔁 Retry fragile operations in case of failure with different delay strategies and the possibility to skip/terminate execution
Functional paradigm abstractions for .NET
Amazon Dynamo-style distributed key-value storage with partitioning, replication, and failure handling
An implementation of Byzantine Chain Replication for Distributed Systems
PHP library for dealing with reactions of actions
#安卓#Implemented a simpler version of Amazon Dynamo through an Android App, which can recovery messages lost whenever there is a failure.
A library that extends Quartz.NET to provide a seamless job retry mechanism on failures.
Replicated Key Value Storage on Android (Simplified version of Amazon Dynamo)
Group Messenger with Total and FIFO Ordering Guarantees
Circuit breaker pattern in PHP