Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
翻译 - 使用TypeScript和Routing Controllers Framework创建在Express / Koa中使用大量装饰符的结构化,声明式和组织良好的基于类的控制器。
#安卓#WhatsApp Clone provides an in-depth view of implementation on how to create a full-stack, mobile, hybrid web application from scratch using React Native, ReactJs, Typescript, NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoD...
GraphQL to REST converter: automatically generate a RESTful API from your existing GraphQL API
A router interface for restify that lets you aggregate route definitions and apply to a restify server
An employee facing hotel reservation system/CMS. React SPA client. Express (Node.js) back-end connected to a MySQL Database. Using Passport and the Passport-local strategy to authenticate employees of...
Automatically create routers from specified folder structures for Express.js
Allows developers to quickly create RESTful APIs using MongoDB and Express.
Express utility for Microsoft Teams solutions
Create a ready-to-go express router for a REST API with filters, input validation, versioning, automatic routes and logging
📚 Building an online book store using React + Redux, Node, Express and MySQL
Brings generators, promises and async functions to Express 4.x middleware and route handlers
Create route groups in express.js
A full-stack application for junior developers to find jobs that match their skill-level, find gigs in order to boost their resume, and showcase a portfolio.
📝 TODO-APP project with login and register page using Express.js, Node and Pug
A Node.js Express backend for a Stackoverflow like answering forum, with RESTful endpoints, written in es6 style with linted and comprehensively unit-tested code. Utilizes a local json database using ...