A WEB Based OBDII Dongle Platform using the ESP32 WROVER Module
MicroPyServer is a simple HTTP server for MicroPython projects.
ESP32 Web Server with BME280 Sensor using Arduino
This is a Load Cell Monitor designed using an ESP32, allowing wireless viewing through a hosted webpage stored on the SD card. Load cell data can also be logged using an SD card.
Collect and download images from Esp-32 camera to PC
Interface Arduino and ESP-32 using Python to create a web server and send real-time data from a LM335 temperature sensor to that web server. The temperature data can also be obtained in the python IDL...
A web server i made while i was bored
This is a (currently untested) device to test and emulate dmx signals.
Build an ESP32 LED web server for remote control of LEDs via Wi-Fi. Learn setup, coding, and interaction with a client device. Elevate IoT skills!
This project is designed to help developers set up an ESP32 as an Access Point with a simple login interface
An IoT-based thermostat using ESP32, WebSockets, and MQTT for real-time control and monitoring.