PHP library for printing to ESC/POS-compatible thermal and impact printers
翻译 - PHP库,可打印到兼容ESC / POS的热敏打印机
Browser plugin for sending documents and raw commands to a printer or attached device.
Node.js module for Epson, Star, Tanca, Drauma and Brother thermal printers command line printing.
#大语言模型#Sales & Dungeons — Thermal Printer as D&D / TTRPG Utility
Biblioteca para realizar impressões (impressora não fiscal) utilizando comandos Esc/Bema, Esc/Daruma e Esc/Pos 🚀
[JSON ↔ HW] Connect things using JSON API with the fiscalberry websocket server interact easily with any kind of Hardware. Another IoT solution...
JSESCPOSBuilder - ESC/POS Commands Builder for Javascript
Read information and reset waste ink counters on Epson printers, using SNMP.
A sample to demonstrate how to print on an ESC/POS printer in C#
Thermal Printer ESC/POS Library For Android.
Zustand Druckerpatronen im EPSON Stylus PX830 für ioBroker auslesen
Make your web application support direct printing!