#人脸识别#JavaScript/WebGL real-time face tracking and expression detection library. Build your own emoticons animated in real time in the browser! SVG and THREE.js integration demos are provided.
(◕‿◕) Text Emoticons Maker
Get access to +3700 emojis as class constants
翻译 - 可以访问+3300个表情符号作为类常量
Obfuscate your python script by converting it to emoji icons
react native emoticons(表情), including emoji😁
A simple tool to recognize Emoji in string. (JavaScript & Java)
Animated Floating Reactions like Facebook 👍
Add-on/WebExtension that provides a modern emoji picker that you can use to find and copy/insert emoji into the active web page.
ShortMoji is a lightweight python program that makes it easy to insert emojis and special characters anywhere with simple keyboard shortcuts (similar to Discord's emoji system).
Customizable emoji picker web component, based on the Unicode Emoji specification
Downloads every custom emoji from every Discord server you're in. Most likely does not work anymore.
This repo contains js, css and image files required to convert text codes into zomojis.