Intérprete de microdatos electorales del Ministerio del Interior español.
翻译 - 西班牙内政部的选举微观数据解释员。
infoelectoral is a R library that helps retrieve and analize official electoral results for Spain from the Ministry of the Interior. It allows you to download the results of general, european and muni...
Electoral bonds data in CSV format extracted from the PDFs released by the election commission of India.
Análisis y Visualización de Datos Electorales de Argentina. Tendencias electorales, demografía de votantes y resultados políticos. Mapas interactivos para visualizar datos electorales.
Electoral simulator based on electoral flows (hondt, spanish 15M)
#数据仓库#Arhivă cu date electorale (secții vot, rezultate, statistic) WIP
🗳️ Herramientas que facilitan el acceso y el trabajo con datos electorales de 🇦🇷 desde R
Electoral Calculator is a electoral result calculator that supports highest averages and largest remainder methods. (Hau honen ispilu bat da: / This is a mirror of
#安卓#Electoral Calculator for Android is a electoral result calculator for the Android platform that supports highest averages and largest remainder methods (Hau honen ispilu bat da: / This is a mirror of ...
Pull constituency seat data from Electoral Calculus and display it in the console. Allows user to browse seats like on the website.
#网络爬虫#Permite consultar el registro de votantes del CNE (
Library for the calculation of seats according to different electoral methods.