Powerful CLI tool to simplify Amazon ECS deployments, rollbacks & scaling
Reference architecture that shows how to take a Node.js application, containerize it, and deploy it as microservices on Amazon Elastic Container Service.
Terraform module that implements a web app on ECS and supports autoscaling, CI/CD, monitoring, ALB integration, and much more.
AWS Fargate & Elastic Container Service Masterclass - Course
Deploy self-hosted GitHub Actions runner to AWS Fargate using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
AWS ECS Fargate Terraform Module
AWS ECS Fargate Service Terraform Module
Example repository to build OCI, publish to ECR and deploy to ECS fargate, setup using terraform.
Terraform module for deploying Atlantis as an ECS Task
Terraform module for building an ECS cluster in AWS
Terraform module for deploying a service to an existing ECS cluster in AWS
Extending ECS Auto-scaling for under $2/month with Lambda
Terraform module to autoscale ECS Service based on CloudWatch metrics