Progressive delivery Kubernetes operator (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments)
翻译 - 逐步交付Kubernetes运营商(Canary,A / B测试和Blue / Green部署)
AWS Fargate & Elastic Container Service Masterclass - Course
A Kubernetes API Gateway for AWS App Mesh powered by Envoy
An eksctl gitops profile for autoscaling with Prometheus metrics on Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate
A progressive delivery GitOps pipeline powered by Weave Cloud and AWS App Mesh
Microservice architecture with Spring Boot and AWS. AWS technology will be used such as ECR, ECS, AppMesh, CloudMap, XRay, etc.
Very old demo using AWS CDK (probably the first version) to deploy an AppMesh configuration.
Chimera automates canary deployments for containerized microservices running on AWS Fargate, orchestrated by AWS ECS, and communicating via AWS App Mesh.
AWS Fargate & Elastic Container Service Masterclass - Course