(Official) The DSpace digital asset management system that powers your Institutional Repository
翻译 - (官方)为您的机构存储库提供支持的DSpace数字资产管理系统
DSpace User Interface built on Angular.io
(No longer actively maintained. Replaced by Docker compose in main codebase.) DSpace + Vagrant. Quickly spin up a virtual machine (via Vagrant) which is "DSpace development ready"
PySAF is an application for creating Simple Archive Format packages for upload to DSpace repositories.
(OBSOLETE) XMLUI Language Packs (Multilingual Support / I18N) for DSpace 6.x and below
Kurs "Bibliotheks- und Archivinformatik" im Studiengang Information Science der FH Graubünden
IIIF manifest generator for DSpace RDF and/or Fedora PCDM
PWM-based observer feedback DC motor control implemented on Arduino UNO
Kurs "Digitales Handwerkszeug für BibliothekarInnen" an der HAW Hamburg
Download files from DSpace systems (because for some reason DSpace won't let you)
A tool to migrate Zotero metadata to DSpace. It converts Zotero-CSV to DSpace-CSV format.
Code and Documentation for the NYC Department of Records Digital Platform
IMPORTANT NOTE: This repo is no longer maintained and will soon be deleted. Our new repository is located at https://gitlab.com/knowledgearcdotorg/collectionpress.