dnsx is a fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries of your choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers.
翻译 - dnsx是一种快速的多用途DNS工具包,它允许运行带有用户提供的解析器列表的多个DNS查询。
A tool to update freenom's dns records
dnsprober is a fast and multipurpose DNS reconnaissance tool designed for efficient DNS probing and enumeration. It supports multiple DNS queries, custom resolvers, wildcard filtering, and retryable D...
Script to automatically create or update A/AAAA DNS records for a host
traefik v2 load balancer and reverse proxy server using docker-compose. Get SSL/TLS certificates automatically using traefik dynamic configurations. Automatically obtain wildcard/SANs certificates for...
Host DNS server and manage records inside Kubernetes Clusters
AWS Route 53 hosted zone migration tool. It answer the question of how to migrate a Route 53 hosted zone (private or public) from an AWS account to another one.
A Domain-Recon Automated Tool.
A Python tool for automatically updating Cloudflare DNS records to handle dynamic IPs, supporting multiple domains, zones, and proxy settings.
A PowerShell module to verify that your Office 365 DNS records have been set up correctly.
A script to fetch all route53 hosted zones, fetch all CNAME DNS records of each zone (domain) then check all the records containing elasticbeanstalk applications; if they're takeoverable and post all ...
Standardize and automate operations concerning DNS records and nameservers in your domain name registrar
🔏 Stand-alone DKIM class to sign your emails with a 2048 bit private key hashed with SHA-256 algorithm.
Edge-deployed DNS query API powered by Deno.resolveDns()
Find A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SOA DNS records of a host.
View detailed info for any domain name: registration status & dates, WHOIS, DNS records, Name Servers, and more