An unofficial third-party library of for discord components.
翻译 - An unofficial library for discord components (under-development)
A component handler for hikari, inspired by's views.
🤖 A discord Ticket Bot, using Discord Components Library.
A Discord API library written in Swift for creating your own bot.
A extension for sending, receiving and handling ui interactions in discord
Handle Discord Interactions as outgoing webhooks
Slash commands (and message components) for JDA
A simple and fun way to play Snake inside of Discord! 2nd place winner of the 2021 Replit Discord Bot task.
A modern Discord Bot Handler, featuring Slash Commands, Prefix Commands, Context Menus, Component Handling, Automatic Intents, Reloadable Modules, Embed Paginators, and more.
This package is designed to make it easier to work with message components in discord.js
A bot that manages the Snowy Forest Discord server!
Discord components for HTML & React
Powerful, fully typed, and user-friendly framework designed to simplify the usage of Discord's components
Discord bot made for the P-CEP discord (not affiliated with PCCS) server.