An attempt to create the worst C program ever by repeatedly abusing obscure features. See c.c for the core code. Note that there were no version restraints imposed and extensions are also included.
This project was a inspiration from a instagram post were a build engineer automated his boring time consuming tasks which all prog...
Quick and dirty (don't mix with Rick and Morty) HOCON to Json converter
INPTP 2019/2012 - credit project #1
INPTP 2019/2020 - credit project #2
dirty spaghetti code for minesweeper
Dirty code, use for tutorial.
LuckyLunch Ladybug a Model Fully responsive food delivery sample Website. 🍕🍟
INPTP 2018/2019 - credit project #1
INPTP 2018/2019 - credit project #2