A web interface to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of RAWGraphs core
翻译 - 我们发起了一项众筹活动,以开发全新版本的RAWGraphs
A list of awesome interactive journalism projects.
The Public Utility Data Liberation Project provides analysis-ready energy system data to climate advocates, researchers, policymakers, and journalists.
Datenjournalismus: Nutzer können schätzen, wie sich Statistiken verändert haben und ihre Einschätzung danach überprüfen.
#数据仓库#Introduction to Julia for Scientists
Team ORF's project Bot-OX is an investigation tool based on a Messenger chatbot.
#数据仓库#Grupo de Periodismo de Datos de Medialab-Prado
#学习与技能提升#Alle Präsentationen, Tests und Materialen für das ifp-R-Bootcamp 2018
This repo contains the code for a Shiny-app that offers all currently available hurrican data from the NHC for download as a GeoJson - suitable for most mapping tools.
Série de reportagem sobre ciclomobilidade em Fortaleza (CE)
Repositório com dados analisados para matéria sobre impactos do reajuste de bolsas do CNPq e da Capes para bolsistas do Ceará.
Mapbox produzido para o primeiro episódio da série de reportagens "Malha cicloviária para quem?"
This is a MIDI controller binding to fix the Mixxx bug on Ubuntu for the cue/play button stuttering as well as overriding hotcues to loops instead
Coleta de dados nas APIs do YouTube e do Spotify sobre o artista Whindersson Nunes e seu pseudônimo Lil Whind
Ein Konzept für eine Tool, das es jedem Journalisten erlaubt Choropleth Karten zu erstellen