Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
翻译 - 具有域驱动设计方法的完整模块化Monolith应用程序。
Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
翻译 - 使用原始架构和原始SQL和DDD的示例.NET Core REST API CQRS实现。
🔷🎯 TypeScript DDD Example: Complete project applying Hexagonal Architecture and Domain-Driven Design patterns
Example for Nest.js, MySQL, Redis, REST api, CQRS, DDD
🙌 ASP.NET Core 3.1 应用, 包含 DDD、CQRS、EDA 和ES事件回溯
#博客#Jivejdon is a Domain Driven Design appication with CQRS/ES/Clean/Hexagonal architecture
FullStack DDD/CQRS with GraphQL workshop including distributed tracing and monitoring. This shows the configuration from React frontend to .Net backend.
🔷✨ TypeScript DDD Skeleton: Bootstrap your new TypeScript project applying Hexagonal Architecture and Domain-Driven Design patterns
♨️ DDD in Java skeleton & examples. Course:
Modular Monolith Java application with DDD
🐘🚀 PHP DDD Skeleton: Bootstrap your new projects or be inspired by this example project
🔀 FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events.
Microservice for authentication with Domain Driven Design and CQRS
🦈✨ C# DDD Skeleton: Bootstrap your new C# projects applying Hexagonal Architecture and Domain-Driven Design patterns
Cheeper is the reference code implementation of the book "CQRS By Example" – https://leanpub.com/cqrs-by-example/
🔷🔖 TypeScript DDD Course: Learn Domain-Driven Design in TS lesson by lesson
Modular monolith architecture example in .NET. Estimation Tool is tool to optimize estimation process in IT company.
Dermayon is Library for supporting build large application,distributed application, scalable, microservices, cqrs, event sourcing, including generic ef repository pattern with unit of work, generic mo...
基于.net 5 的微服务开发框架,使用简化的DDD+CQRS设计
ASP.NET Core | Domain-Driven Design | Clean Architecture