The Daml smart contract language
翻译 - DAML智能合约语言
A Toolkit for Neural Review-based Recommendation models with Pytorch.
Global Workflow Composition that is Scalable, Secure, and GDPR-compliant
#区块链#daml-on-sawtooth is an integration of the DAML smart contract runtime engine, created and open sourced by Digital Asset, with Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain as the backing DLT.
An interactive tutorial to get started with the Node.js bindings for DAML
Three examples demonstrating three different approaches to using the Java ledger API bindings
Simulation source code and examples for applying machine learning on Sawyer Robot
DAML library for integration with Ethereum (driven using DAML's Java bindings, web3j, ethereumj and Infura)
Cucumber testing for daml scripts
A module header (imports / exports) formatting tool for haskell and daml
Daml smart contract library for asset custody and account hierarchies
This project is a showcase of using Daml smart contracts to build a multiparty workflow. It is based on a simplified insurance claim use case.