PyTorch Implementation of "Driver Anomaly Detection: A Dataset and Contrastive Learning Approach", codes and pretrained models.
A simple CLI to bring you the freshest dad jokes straight to your terminal 😂
Dummy Address Data (DAD) - Retrieve real addresses from all around the world. (Node Client Library)
uses and puts a random dad joke on the django admin page after logging in
JJ family's baby is coming! Use this repo for preparation works and daily tracking
A Distributed Transactional Key-Value Store for Concurrent Data Management
A server-side implementation of the Daily Dad mod
Discord bot that listens for the word "I'm" then responds with text-to-speech saying "Hi {anything after I'm} I'm dad"
A simple app making use of the icanhazdadjoke API to fetch dad jokes.
Python-based application designed to convert speech to text in real-time.
Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications Project
Socks Plus Sandals a website for "Cool Dads" hosted here.
Projeto iniciado para incentivar minha filha da descoberta das cores
ETL script for loading Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) on to MySQL prior to data mining.