A modern, highly customizable, responsive Jekyll template for course websites.
Feature-rich and easy-to-use Jekyll website template for academic courses
#博客#上海交通大学AI专业(本科)课程信息|A Website For Courses of AI Pilot Class, SJTU
📊 🌐 🧑🏫 Website for graduate-level course on data visualization using R and ggplot2, built with Quarto
Course Website Repo for JOURN 8006: Quantitative Research Methods in Journalism
📊 🌐 🧑🏫 Website for course on data visualization using R and ggplot2, built with Quarto
A jekyll template for easy creation of course websites. Checkout the template here:
Course website for EDS 240 - Data Visualization & Communication (MEDS @ Bren UCSB)
CSCI 000: Academic Computer Science Course Pages with Jekyll
📊 🌐 🧑🏫 Website for masters-level independent readings course on Bayesian statistics with R and Stan, built with Quarto
📊 🌐 🧑🏫 Website for graduate-level course on microeconomics for the public sector, built with Quarto
📊 🌐 🧑🏫 Website for graduate-level course on microeconomics for the public sector, built with Quarto
It is a online course website with embedded you-tube videos and also has related documents in downloadable pdf format. It has a nice Admin-Interface where admins can ADD/ UPDATE/ DELETE the course mat...
A single place for all development related courses.
Made responsive course platform website using raw HTML5 and CSS3 along with media queries. Check live site link below.
Website for Hunter College CS135 2023 Summer Course
#自然语言处理#Course Website for NUS SoC CS4248 Natural Language Processing (Academic Year 2021–2022, Semester 2)
#自然语言处理#CS4248 Natural Language Processing Website for Sem II AY 2020/2021 (Sem 2020)