#Awesome#The most awesome list about bots ⭐️🤖
A tiny helper application to force Windows 10 to use your preferred web browser instead of ignoring the setting to promote Microsoft Edge. Only runs for a microsecond when needed.
翻译 - 一个小型的助手应用程序,用于强制Windows 10使用您喜欢的Web浏览器,而不是忽略设置来提升Microsoft Edge。仅在需要时运行一微秒。
🤖 叮当是一款可以工作在 Raspberry Pi 上的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目。
A small program that forwards searches from Cortana to your preferred browser and search engine.
Your personal voice assistant
💎 tweaks & fixes for windows 10 - mostly powershell
Open Cortana searches with your default browser.
Amigo is voice assistant similar to Siri, Alexa, google assistance and Cortana which can perform various tasks.
开源人工智能,基于开源软硬件构建语音对话机器人、智能音箱……人机对话、自然交互,来宝拥有无限可能。特别说明,来宝运行于Python 3!
This is a template for how to register custom Cortana commands on Windows 10.
This is a collection of Cortana Skills Kit code samples from the Microsoft Build 2017 conference.
A Toolbox allowing users to modify various aspects of Windows 10 from one place.
Open Source Voice Assistant
A personal collection of tools and guides I've used to optimize and un-fuck Windows 11. Includes privacy tweaks and other QOL improvements.
Energy industry solutions using the Cortana Intelligence Suite with end-to-end walkthrough.
Source code to go along with the Magic Mirror tutorial project. Each branch contains the code as-is at the end of the named lesson. E.G.: Backend Lesson 3 will start with the code from branch backend-...
Open source image editor for windows 10. Can be controlled by voice commands and Cortana.
Loan ChargeOff Risk Solution Template with Microsoft ML Server