Comfortable parallel TQDM using concurrent.futures
A simple C coroutine library, with multithreading and more, the Go and C++20 style way.
Asynchronous actions for PySpark
A Python Process Pool Executor implementation that is harder to break
📢 Asyncio + multiprocessing/threading. As easy as concurrent.futures!
asyncio executors, clean and simple.
Concurrent Google Dorking CLI Tool equipped with an automatic proxy rotator.
A small attempt to write a wrapper API for GitHub's API.
A chess analytics tool that compares user-submitted games to a database of GM games, helping users learn stronger continuations by studying closest matches.
Phone-Matchup a Phone Prediction Model which uses ETL Pipeline for data extraction.
Comparison of different multithreading tools for matrix multiplication
Monitor Synchronization in Examples
An asyncio API that mimics concurrent.futures, with support for task-graph executors
This program provides a basic understanding of how threadpool, multithreading and multiprocessing works in python.
Filter and display invalid websites URL from the firefox bookmark json file.
Repositorio usado para la materia Computacion II de la UM