Recipes for the ConanCenter repository
翻译 - ConanCenter存储库的食谱
Conan Extension for Visual Studio Code
Meta-repo for conan-community Users and Contributors
GUI for Conan users providing an easy way to install and manage local packages and launch application from them.
Conan GUIde is Qt based Graphical User Interface (GUI) to interact with local cache of conan package manager.
An open-source application delivering a responsive user management experience.
conan 2.x ready-made wrapper templates and examples for lib, project, conan-server
Conan recipe for restclient-cpp.
Recipe for the Gurobi solver as Conan package
Minimal application with sqlite3, gtest and fltk using conan and cmake.
Conan recipe for the Draco library
A GUI based interface for c++ packet manager - Conan
(Mirror: moved to Conan package for streaming-data-types
[Testing repo for conan-center-index] Conan recipes for GDAL
[Testing repo for conan-center-index] Conan recipes for glslang
[Testing repo for conan-center-index] Conan recipes for libgta
[Testing repo for conan-center-index] Conan recipes for miniz