A utility to detect various technology for a given IP address.
Automatically Create CNAME records for containers served by Traefik
A list of domains used by tracking companies as CNAME destination when disguising third-party trackers as first-party trackers.
Free `rweb.site` subdomain for personal websites, open-source projects and more.
Free 'runs-on.tech' subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
Reverse Caller Id using TrueCaller
Helper script to emulate a local CNAME DNS by writing to /etc/hosts
🌐 Grab your own subdomain for free Follow the steps listed below to get your own subdomain!
Find unreferenced AWS S3 buckets which have CloudFront CNAME records pointing to them
Automatically update CNAME records when Docker container starts via Cloudflare
Get some useful data from Clouds for your targets
Personal Website developed using HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS & TS
Create a CNAME file with webpack
Are your (sub)domains pwnable ? SubPwnable is a simple Python tool designed to helps you answer this question.