#大语言模型#Chat2DB 是一个智能的通用SQL客户端和数据报表工具,它集成了AI的能力。Chat2DB可以帮助您更快地编写SQL查询、管理数据库、生成报告、探索数据、并且可以与多种数据库进行交互
ClickHouse Native Protocol JDBC implementation
Asynchronous ClickHouse client library for Rust programming language.
Advanced User-Interface for ClickHouse
Laravel ClickHouse adds CH client integration, generation & execution of ClickHouse database migrations to the Laravel application.
ClickHouse Homebrew tap (old repository, unused)
ClickHouse Client for NodeJS
ClickHouse Client Module for Nest Framework (node.js)
A Jupyter kernel for ClickHouse
PHP ClickHouse Client over HTTP
DbCls is a versatile terminal client that supports various databases
Native Go, fast and easy-to-use writer for asynchronous streaming batches to ClickHouse. Used in production services.
Lightweight log explorer interface for ClickHouse inspired by Kibana
⚙️ Integration between Micronaut and ClickHouse.
Fast reactive bridge between Java applications and Yandex.ClickHouse database