#Awesome#Dev jobs in the sustainability sector - be part of the solution, not the problem
#区块链#This is Electra blockchain's repository for a decentralized micro-grid electricity exchange solution
An open-source tool to quantify Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Energy and Mass Flows in the Circular Economy, from a Reliability and Lifetime approach
A python package to model Circular Economy policy and technological interventions in Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis starting from mrSUTs (EXIOBASE V3.3)
Urban Resource Cadastre Repository: Multi-label classification model and annotated street-level imagery dataset for building facade material detection. Curated from cities including Tokyo, NYC, and Zu...
Protocol specification for circular economy data and finance using self-sovereign identity
Unlocking regulatory innovation for the circular economy transition.
#计算机科学#Topic Modelling Research in the Digital Circular Electrochemical Economy Project (🔋 Energy and AI Journal 🤖)
Supporting information for the paper "The narrative of sustainability and circular economy – a longitudinal review of two decades of research” - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105073
Your gateway to the Providence Library of Things.
This repository is dedicated to the development of a Program for the calculation of Circular Economy policies in input-output analysis starting from multi-regional supply-use tables
DEPRECATED (go to https://github.com/ENVIRO-Module/nis-backend) - Backend of NIs (Nexus Information System, a development inside "MAGIC" H2020 project) - Sustainability accounting of Water-Energy-Food...
ReKrabice - reusable boxes for e-commerce shipping for returnign customers and amazing retailers 🌳♻️
This repository is created as a part of an academic project for the course Agent Based Modeling of Complex Adaptive Systems
Ressources ouvertes pour la réutilisation de pneus usagés
This is a simple interactive visualization of a 4 dimensional rating.
This repository is intended for the Junior Project as part of the Gadjah Mada University curriculum in the field of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering. The application is built with the pr...