Empty world generation with new ways to obtain resources
A fabric-carpet extension mod. It offers some interesting and useful features.
Carpet Addition for Shadow Item Related Tweaks/Fixes
Fabric carpet extension that adds discord functionality to scarpet
Adds a few QoL changes to the SMP experience
RedCraft 3 - Minecraft Fabric Mod
An unofficial port of carpetmod for minecraft forge 1.12.2
Fabric carpet extension that adds features which are missing from the original carpet and existing extensions.
#编辑器#Carpet mod script support for Vim and Neovim
Bot created to manage the Aurum SMP server for Minecraft and the Aurum Discord. It has many functions such as queries about player status and various commands with different utilities for both users a...
About A Carpet mod (fabric-carpet) extension, a collection of carpet mod style useful tools and interesting features
this is very broken and dead, dont use it. a fork of purpur with more stuff
A webapp for configuring Carpet rules
A simple web app to quickly create a config file for Carpet Mod and some of its addons
Minecraft CarpetMod standalone turing-complete vanilla command-block array-based CPU generator