Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By MERN Stack
翻译 - 通过MERN Stack建立像亚马逊一样的电子商务
#博客#🔥 基于Vue、Node.js(Express)、MongoDB搭建的个人博客blog&后台管理系统admin,承接毕业设计系统+解决疑难杂症,联系微信:zonemeen
MERN BLOG (MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs)
website for finding and posting job using mern stack
MERN BLOG (MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs)
This is a simple real time chat web-app.
A clone of gymshark website by Team Sharks ( A team of 6 members ). This is the front end part repository. For backend part repository take a look at this repository
"Shop Tracker" is the is web App build to assist owners of the shop to manage and track business activities, By get real time information of every sold products,access every products in stock, Notifie...
An ecommerce shop built with MERN Stack
This is a mern stack ecommerce website assocaited with selling groceries
e-Commerce BackEnd created using node, typescript, axios, bcrypt and a bunch of cool stuff
A monthly thrift contribution API I built within 24 hours.
The Twitter Clone project aims to replicate the core features and functionalities of the popular social media platform, Twitter. This web application provides users with a platform to share short mess...
SAPI is a secure password manager API that allows users to securely store and manage their passwords
Desafio final do Explorer da Rocketseat.
Chatsy - MERN Stack Chat App
This api gives you several endpoints for authentication, creating, reading, updating, deleting. you can use this api in any frontend technology like React, Angular, Vue even use normal HTML/CSS/JS.
A Non-RESTful Node.JS application to show best practices. The app feature SQL and NoSQL databases, authentication, validation, image upload, PDF and email creation and Stripe API (full ReadMe coming s...